Verse of March
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth

Application for Secondary One Discretionary Places (2020-21 Academic Year) (Updated on 3rd March 2020)


In view of an increase in the number of confirmed and suspected Novel Coronavirus infection cases, the school has made the following adjustment to the arrangement of Secondary One Discretionary Place interview. 


1. Cancellation of the First Interview

To safeguard the health of students and teachers, and to avoid gathering of crowd and prevent transmission of the virus, the first interview which was originally scheduled on 7th March 2020 will be cancelled. 


2. Revised Selection Criteria and Weightings

Due to cancellation of the first interview, admission criteria and weightings have been revised as below. The school will assess students’ academic results, rank order provided by EDB and extra-curricular activities / awards / prizes / outstanding achievements. Not less than 100 short-listed applicants will be invited to attend an interview scheduled within the period 23rd – 27th March 2020.

Criteria for Shortlisting Candidates

i. Academic results, rank order provided by EDB 65%
ii. Extra-curricular activities / awards / prizes / outstanding achievements 15%


An invitation letter of the interview, including the detailed arrangements, will be sent out on 16th March 2020. Students' abilities, such as their command in Chinese and English, communication skills, presentation skills, organization skills, analytical skills, as well as social awareness will be assessed. Please refer to the invitation letter for details of the second interview.


Admission Criteria

i. Interview 20%
ii. Academic result and rank order (provided by the EDB) 65%
iii. Conduct# / extra-curricular activities / awards / prizes / outstanding achievements 15%

# The conduct grade must be B or above.

3. Release of Results 

The school will notify parents of successful applicants of their children’s inclusion in the Successful Lists for Discretionary Places by letter and phone on 7 April 2020 (Tuesday).


Note: The information collected will be used for the purpose of processing S1 Discretionary Places applications only