Verse of March
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth

Application for S1 Places (2020-2021) after the Release of SSPA Results


A. Application Procedure

Application forms are available from 23rd June, 2020 to 7th July, 2020. 

Application forms can be downloaded by clicking here starting from 23rd June, 2020. 

Please submit the application form to the school in person on 7th July, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (late applications will not be considered), together with the following documents: 

i.    Original copy of the applicant’s identity document (e.g. birth certificate / identity card / passport) [for verification]
ii.    Photocopies of S.1 Discretionary Places (DP) and Central Allocation Form (Priority will be given to those who can show that he/she has applied to our school earlier for discretionary places.)
iii.    Photocopies of P4, P5 & P6 school reports
iv.    Photocopies of certificates of activities, prizes and awards (originals are not necessary and will not be accepted.)
v.    A recent photo to be affixed to the “Application Registration Slip for S1 Places (2020-2021)”

Remarks: All photocopies should be A4 size. The documents submitted will not be returned. Applicants are not required to submit any recommendation letters. Please get back and retain the “Application Registration Slip for S1 Places (2020-2021)” after submission.

B. Application Fee
There is no application fee for this entrance examination.

C. Entrance Examination
All applicants are required to sit for an entrance examination. Arrangements for the examination are as follows:

Date:8th July, 2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 1:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (including reporting time, verification of identity of applicants, examination time & a break)
Waiting rooms: 501 – 505
Format: Written examinations
Subjects: English Language & Mathematics (both Chinese and English versions will be provided.)

Important points to note:
1.  Applicants are reminded to go to the designated waiting rooms
at 1:45 p.m.2. Applicants must bring the “Application Registration Slip for S1 Places (2020-2021)” and their HK Identity Card for proof of identity.
3.As writte n examinations will be conducted, applicants are reminded to bring pencils and an eraser for the examination.
4.Parents / Guardians are NOT allowed to accompany students to the waiting rooms / examination rooms. They may wait for their children in the waiting areas for parents.

D. Arangements in case of Suspension of School
In case the Education Bureau announces the closure of schools on Wednesday, 8th July, 2020, the entrance examination will be rescheduled for Thursday, 9th July, 2020. Details will be announced on the school website ( 

E. Release of Results
Shortlisted applicants will be notified by phone from 9th July, 2020 (Thursday) to 10th July, 2020 (Friday) to attend an interview. Applicants may assume their applications are unsuccessful if they do not receive any phone calls from the school on or before 10th July, 2020. Applicants need not make enquiries to our school about their application status.