Verse of March
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth

(Important Update) HKDSE Release of Rechecking and Remarking Results Arrangement 2020


17-8-2020 Update

1. In view of the COVID-19 epidemic, Form 6 students who have submitted the appeal applications DO NOT need to come to school to get the results from the General Office.


2. If your results have been upgraded, the results will be sent to students’ school gmail account before 11:00 a.m. If you do not receive any email from the school before 11:00 a.m., it means that your results remain unchanged.


3. The refund arrangement for candidates with upgraded results will be stated in the Explanatory Notes to Candidates which will be sent together with the result slips.

4. Students who have their HKDSE results revised in overall grade(s) and wish to be re-considered for an offer or a "better" offer, they can submit a request for re-consideration of their application by logging in onto their account at the JUPAS online application system on 20th August 2020 (9:00 am - 6:00 pm).

5. In case of enquiries, please contact the Public Examinations Information Center at 3628 8860.