Verse of March
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
Innovative Technology Design Competition organized by Lok Sin Tong

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Congratulations to our three F.5 ICT students who have won the championship out of over 70 participating teams in the "Innovative Technology Design Competition" (第一屆關懷弱勢社群 - 全港創新科技設計大賽)organized by Lok Sin Tong ( They are Or Cheuk Yin Jensen (5E), Ho Hin Wa Jacky (5E), and Chan Chun Anderson (5A). After a series of heated competitions, our students’ creation was selected as the best 6 entries and eventually was awarded the Championship and Most Creative Award. The teacher-in-charge, Ms. Yau Bik Kan Brenda, was also awarded The Best Coaching Teacher Award (最優秀領隊教師獎).

The product the students have designed is a Smart Wheelchair called "鄰.倚". The height of the front wheels of the smart wheelchair can be adjusted automatically so that users can keep sitting upright when traveling downslope to minimize discomfort and accidents. In the development process, the students first used blocks to design a wheelchair model. They then moved on to program an Arduino device which was used to calculate the required extension of the front wheels according to the angle of the slope. Some parts of the device have to be printed by a 3D printer. After rounds of trial and error, the students successfully applied the prototype in a real wheelchair. The cost of device is around $600.

The three students together with their coaching teacher will be joining a Germany Excursion in the coming December. We look forward to the adventurous and fulfilling learning trip.

Media Coverage

Sing Tao Headline:

Bastille Post:



Headline Daily:

Hong Kong Economic Journal: