Scripture of the Month (October)
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
Inauguration Day

The Inauguration for the student leaders of the 2024-2025 academic year was held on 20th September. This officially commences the start of the new Student Union(SU), House Committees, Chairpersons and Prefects’ term of service.

Principal Law started off the ceremony by giving an inspirational speech, aimed to give insight into the responsibilities of being a student leader. Afterwards, the president of the former SU cabinet Epiphany handed over a symbolic banner flag to the president of the cabinet-elect Contrail, symbolizing the handing over of responsibilities from the past student leaders to the new leaders. The president of Contrail then read out the names of each new student leader and their position. The first half of the inauguration ceremony ended with a strong speech of gratitude and vision by the new SU president.

The second half of the ceremony started with speeches by the former and new Head Prefects. Principal Law was invited on stage to present Head Prefect badges to the new heads. The new prefects were then introduced one by one.

We congratulate the new student leaders on their achievement. We wish them strength and wisdom through their year of service to all Jubileans. May their efforts continue the good work of their predecessors!