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Cultural and Industrial Tech Exploration Trip to Inner Mongolia and Beijing

From July 5-11, 2024, our students went on a field trip to Inner Mongolia and Beijing. The first stop was the Eerduosi Ecological Demonstration Area in Inner Mongolia, where students witnessed the achievements in desert management and land development. They then visited the Genghis Khan Mausoleum, learning about the glorious deeds of this grassland hero.

Students experienced the thrilling dune sliding and admired the wild animals in the Saihan Talaa Ecological Park. On the Hilamuren Grassland, they rode galloping horses and immersed themselves in the song and dance of the bonfire party. Students also spent a night in a Mongolian yurt, experiencing the charm of the nomadic lifestyle.

The commercial market in the old street of Sei allowed students to feast their eyes and purchase many unique souvenirs. They also visited the famous dairy company Yili in Inner Mongolia, learning about the achievements of the country's industrial development. Finally, students climbed the Badaling Great Wall, feeling the pride and strength of the Chinese nation.

Thanks to the careful arrangement of the leading teachers, this trip not only enriched the students' knowledge but also cultivated their teamwork and adventurous spirit.