Verse of March
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
HKDSE 2024

Congratulate our Form 6 students for obtaining outstanding results in this year’s DSE examinations. We are so proud of them as their hard work and perseverance paid off. Here we would like to give a heartfelt thank you to the dedication of our teachers.

Among them, our best students KWONG Kin Fung got 5** in three subjects, 5* in two subjects and 5 in two subjects. He will pursue his dream studying in the Natural Sciences programme of the University of Cambridge. KO Tsz To got 5** in three subjects, 5* in one subject and 5 in one subject.

The best performing subjects of this year are: 

  • Chemistry, with 70.0% of students attaining Level 4 or above and 32.5% attaining Level 5 or above
  • Economics, with 83.3% of students attaining Level 4 or above, 31.3% attaining Level 5 or above
  • History, with 78.6% of students attaining Level 4 or above and 35.7% attaining Level 5 or above
  • ICT, with 72% of students attaining Level 4 or above, 44% attaining Level 5 or above
  • Physics with 66.7% of students attaining Level 4 or above and 36% attaining Level 5 or above

We wish all our graduates every success in the future.