Verse of September
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
Visit to The Peninsula Hong Kong


Recently, students who are studying Tourism and Hospitality Studies were given a chance to visit the renowned Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong, all thanks to the invitation from our distinguished alumni, Mr. David Lui. This particular visit which took place on May 8th, 2023 was considered to be one of the most exhilarating events for our students throughout the year.

Ms. Law, our school principal and Miss Chong, our teacher of Tourism and Hospitality Studies, accompanied the students throughout the visit. The students had a great time exploring the hotel and they were able to be guided to the luxurious restaurant and rooms. This gave them an in-depth understanding of the hospitality industry, and they were able to observe the high standards of service expected from professionals in this field.

The students were able to ask questions and engage in discussions with the assistant manager of the housekeeping department, who were more than happy to share his knowledge and experiences. The visit was a very valuable learning experience for our students as they had the chance to observe firsthand the various aspects of hotel management, including guest services, hotel operations, and food and beverage management.

Overall, the visit to the Peninsula Hong Kong was an exceptional experience for our students, providing them with a unique opportunity to gain practical knowledge and insights into the hospitality industry. We express our gratitude to our alumni, Mr. David Lui for this invitation and his son, Mr. Bryan Lui, for holding the event. And we look forward to similar opportunities in the future. We are proud of our students and their accomplishments, and we are confident that they will continue to excel in their chosen careers in the hospitality industry.