Verse of September
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
Speech Day 2022-23


The annual Speech Day was held successfully on 19th November 2022. It was the most awaited yet emotional event for all the graduates of Class 2022.

Our Principal, Ms Vicky Law, reported on the school’s achievements in the past year. Despite the social distancing measures and the unusual challenges imposed by the pandemic, there were still a lot of commendable achievements made by Jubileans and memorable moments enjoyed by the BHJS community.

This year, it was our great pleasure to have Ms Cally Chan, the General Manger of Microsoft Hong Kong and Macau, to be our Guest of Honour. She delivered a speech on the technological advancements and the importance of lifelong learning. She ended her speech by wishing all graduates every success as they ventured forth into a new phase of life. Apart from that, Ms Chan also presented graduation certificates to all graduates.

Prizes were then given to all the students who had outstanding achievements in the academics, sports, music and other disciplines in front of all guests. Graduate Representative Charlie Lin also delivered a vote of thanks to the school on behalf of all graduates.

The highlight of the Speech Day was the performances by the Dance Team and the Choir. The performances marked the end of the ceremony, and yet a new start for the graduates.

Congratulations to all prize winners and graduates! Wish you all a prosperous and successful future!