Verse of September
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
House Meeting

On 28th September, all Jubileans had their annual house meeting. It was a great bonding opportunity for each House. Other than having some fun games, there was a prize presentation ceremony in which awards were given out to devoted members last year. All awardees deserved the respect and applause of all members and teachers advisors. 

Red House

Red House Captains – Calum Siu, Crystal Lee, Ren Fong and Eugenie Chan showed their members an inspirational video which was about the achievements of the Red House in different inter-house competitions. All proud members applauded the efforts the committee members made last year. Their teacher advisor, Mr Chu, also delivered a speech in the meeting, encouraging all members to actively participate in different competitions in the coming year. Hearing how loudly the members chanted their sports slogan “Go go go ahead, be be be the best, go ahead, be the best, Red House is the best”, the House Captains were confident that it was going to be an amazing year ahead.

Green House

Green House captains – Anson Yip, Emma Lui, Kanez Lam and Yanny Jian kickstarted the annual meeting by a video depicting the team spirit of the Green House – “Never give up as you are bound to make improvements.” The video resonated with all members, and they broke into rapturous applause. Miss Chan, the Teacher Advisor, had a few words of encouragement to everyone. She complimented all members on the House’s excellent performance and their selfless contributions last year. With determination and hard work, she believed that every one of them can be successful. She hoped that the Green House can reach new heights in the next academic year. 

Blue House

During the meeting, a video about the Blue House’s spirit was shown to all members. Different scenes reflected the closeness and camaraderie among the committee members. Everyone was deeply captivated by the video. Their House Captains - Wilson Yip, Natalie Chan, Theo Tang and Hilda Wong encouraged their members to actively participate in the future competitions, so that the Blue House could continue to thrive in this school year. Their cheering slogan chanting session was the highlight of their meeting. Every member chanted their sports slogan “We are Blue, we are cool, we are going to defeat you” at the top of their lungs. All members of the Blue house had plenty of fighting spirit. 


White House

Mr Lo, the Teacher Advisor, started off by giving a speech to all members. He witnessed the successes the White House had achieved in his 30 years in BHJS. He was confident that the White House would have another fruitful year ahead. He hoped to see more junior form students joining different competitions, whereas the senior form students could be their role models. The House captains - Jerry Sit, Sukey Wong, Matt Lee and Riz Ip then showed their members a video about their past achievements. There was a motivational message to all - “With all your might, you win all fights.” The members of White House left the meeting feeling uplifted. 

With the support of all members, surely the four Houses will strive for excellence and achieve their goals this year!