Verse of September
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
Interact Club AGM cum Inauguration



The 2021-2022 Inauguration ceremony of The BHJS Interact Club was held on 4 January. The school invited Dr Stanley Ma, Mr Wing Leung and Mr Law Hon Wah, who were the previous presidents of the Rotary Club of Kowloon West, to participate in our ceremony. Our guests gave encouraging speeches to members of the club and hosted the handover ceremony.

Vice Presidents Chloe Wong and Joyee Wong from 5D were the emcees of the ceremony. In the ceremony, Charlie Lin from 6D, who was the president of the Interact Club in 2020-2021 passed the black sash to 5D Shiny Wong, the president of 2021-2022. The black sash symbolises passing the torch of leadership of the Interact Club, together with the passion of leading our schoolmates to serve the community. Annual reports were made during the ceremony. There were also prize presentations and a wonderful piano performance by Jasmine Chiu from 6D, vice president of 2020-2021 BHJS Interact Club. Through this ceremony, our schoolmates could have a better understanding about the Interact Club by broadening their horizons, developing friendships and promoting service learning, which will surely be beneficial to them in the present and in the coming future.