Verse of September
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth
The EMI Drama Fest 2024

The EMI Drama Fest 2024: Modern II session organised by the Association of English Medium Secondary Schools was successfully hosted by Bishop Hall Jubilee School on 13th May, welcoming 6 schools. The event featured impressive student performances across a range of dramatic styles. BHJS's production of "The Greatest Showman" received the Outstanding Teamwork award. The competition fostered a keen interest in the dramatic arts with some being inspired by other schools to create a more independent and student-run team by taking charge of everything from script writing to on-stage blocking.

Special thanks go to Miss Fung Sin-yan, Miss Wang Yu Hsuan and Miss Iqra, the teacher-in-charge of the English drama team, for their tireless efforts in preparing the students. We would also like to express our gratitude to the teachers and students of the Backstage and AV Team for their invaluable support and contributions to the smooth running of the event.

We hope that the students of our English drama team have gained valuable insights and experience from participating in the EMI Fest. We look forward to more opportunities for our students to showcase their talents and inspire their peers, as we continue to nurture a vibrant performing arts culture at our school.