Verse of January
中一自行分配學位申請事宜 (2025–2026學年)
STEAM - Innovation & Invention
Growing and Glowing We Soldier On
Our Mission to a sustainable future
We live yet we serve, We serve yet we learn
We rejoice in the knowledge of God's truth

On 7th October, our Chinese Drama Team took center stage in our School Hall. The drama performance showcased an original script written and performed by our Chinese Drama Team. It was part of the celebration for the 60th anniversary of our school. The show was a great success and students enjoyed the performance very much.

The play "Six Minus One Equals Zero" was directed by Mr Yang Ping Kei Banky, an experienced theatre director in Hong Kong. The name of the play is derived from the number “60” meaning "6-1=0". There were several hit songs featured in the performance as well, with lyrics and names rewritten by our creative students. The jokes in the lyrics, the lines and the plot were all entertaining and hilarious. Most of our audience burst out laughing and gave very prolonged applause.

It was a truly impressive performance. With the theme “unity” running through the play, it echoes one of the encouraging messages from our Principal Ms Law at the beginning of the school year - "Once a Jubilean, always a Jubilean. I wish every Jubilean can lend a helping hand to one another and unite to confront various challenges in the future."

United we stand! Together we stand as one!



